YouTube公開 物語と中国版画

「蘇州版画の光芒 国際都市に華ひらいた民衆芸術」記念講演会:「中国版画研究の現在」のプログラムのうち、以下の発表がYoutubeに日英中3か国語で公開されたことをお知らせいたします。






Literary Tales and Chinese Prints

Ōki Yasushi
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo

It is possible that there is a story behind any image, which is also the case for Suzhou prints. For example, peaches and pomegranates are symbols of an abundance of children, and images that contain them also express that desire. Portraits of Guan Yu portray him as a deity, but surely, they are also intended to remind viewers of the stories of Guan Yu from the
Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There are also stories behind images of historical figures and events, such as found in “The Importance of Raising Children in a Good Environment”. Here, however, I would like to consider Suzhou prints that are more directly associated with literary tales from novels and the Chinese opera.
Some of these prints illustrate highlights of the tales with individual scenes, while others link multiple scenes together through the imagery. A considerable number of scenes are also recreated by figures on stage wearing costumes. Why were these pictures of dramatic plays created, and what kind of people were they made for? When it comes to the relationship between novels, Chinese opera, and prints, the question of prints made as illustrations for books is often considered, but here I would like to think about the meaning behind the existence of the great many single-sheet prints that remain with us today.




与小说戏曲相关的版画可以分为两种类型:一种是截取并描绘故事中最精彩场面的单一场景,另一种是以一系列的连环画面来描绘故事中的复数场景。此外,不少表现故事中场景的版画,是重现了戏装的人物登台演出的舞台场面。这些戏曲画究竟是为何而作,又是为谁而作的呢? 在探讨小说戏曲与版画的关系之际,小说戏曲这类书籍的版画插图向来引起比较多的关注,但其实也有不少以小说戏曲为主题的单幅版画作品存世,在此我想探讨一下它们所代表的意义。
